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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

U.S. Health & Human Services NEVER Performed Vaccine Safety Testing as Required by Law

I don’t know how any person in their right mind would still vaccinate themselves or their children after this EXPLOSIVE truth bomb. U.S. Health and Human Services NEVER performed Vaccine Safety testing as required by Law. Big Pharma vaccine safety testing lasts only four or five days. Thanks to the remarkable legal work being done

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Late Mother Teresa Order Investigated for Child Trafficking

India has ordered its state governments to inspect child care facilities run by the Missionaries of Charity — the Roman Catholic order founded by Mother Teresa — after arrests of a nun and a worker accused of baby trafficking. Earlier this month, Indian authorities shut down a shelter home for pregnant, unmarried women run by

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Author of iGen on CNN: Kids and Screens — “We’re on the Brink of the Worst Mental Health Crisis in Decades.”

For many years already, tech inventors have been sending their kids to “low-tech” schools and restricting tech use at home.  In the meantime, at the advice of tech companies, public schools have spent a collective $60B to become “high tech.”  Students are required to use screens for long periods in and out of the classroom as

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#OpExposeCPS: Jennifer Guskin's Story

A Maryland couple followed the advice of their doctors, and now their baby has been taken away from them by Child Protective Services. Jennifer Guskin’s describes a horrific ordeal that she underwent while growing up in foster care after she says that she was taken as a young child. First-time parents, Jennifer Guskin and Scott

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HHS Admits No Vaccine Safety Testing in 30 Years While Government Funds Studies on Sexual Tendency of Quails on Cocaine!

Well kids, if you still have pro-vaxx friends and family members hounding you and calling you a conspiracy theorist for being able to use your brain and think for yourself, this would be the smoking gun to tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP!  Seriously! I am losing my patience with those who are still

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If You Don't Know what the Hegelian Dialectic is, It is Time You Learn!

It doesn’t take long to figure out once you’ve started a journey for truth to learn that we have been deeply indoctrinated in the public education system and manipulated by hidden societal engineering by global elites. Usually done under the guise of philanthropy and social justice.  Americans are being steered into total destruction because too

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