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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

How Quickly They Forget: Eli Lilly Paid Secret Settlements to Survivors After Man on Prozac Went on Shooting Rampage in 1989

There is a reason the left will not allow a REAL debate on school shootings.  There is a reason they aren’t interviewing Columbine survivors right now with all this media hysteria.  There is a reason why attempts to bring up these topics receive an over-the-top, hysterical and overly emotional response to shut you down.  The

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Continuing my “Screw Pharma” blog series I decided that today we’re going to talk about another holistic must have, Apple Cider Vinegar.  The list of apple cider vinegar benefits has been well-known for centuries, but since Pharma can’t make money off of it, your doctors will never tell you about it.  Unless you see a

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Ascension & Spiritual Awakening

Humanity is ascending, and through this ascension process, we are becoming more and more aware of the integrated, holistic nature of Self.  Mind, body, and spirit are integrating into this shift in consciousness. What affects us physically has also affected us mentally and emotionally, and vice versa, as there is no separation of Self. As

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Understanding Metaphysics Will Bankrupt Big Pharma

Everything on the Physical plane is a manifestation of something on the Metaphysical plane. If we could get enough people to understand this we can bankrupt the corporations that run the systems and institutions creating all the current crises and destruction all over the world.  For the readers who have been following this blog for

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South Carolina's New Hate Speech Law You Need To Know About

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is an educational, research, and scientific society with more than 53000 members. I know I’m going to get a lot of, “But not all of us are like that. Our government is manipulating us. It’s not the fault of the citizens.”  To which I must ask is our participation

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Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet

Holistic Medicine Holistic medicine is art and science of healing addresses the whole person body, mind, and spirit. Medicine integrates and treat disease.As I am constantly saying, “be the change you wish to see in the world,” I try to put my money where my mouth is.  There is no sense in exposing big pharma

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