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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

Breast cancer is one of the biggest cancer threats to women over the age of 50, so we’re told.  It’s become the norm to start getting mammograms at age 40 like clockwork, without question. Preventative measures are a good thing right?  Well, what if the very test itself to detect cancer is actually causing it?

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Terms & Tricks Being Used to Stop Critical Thinking & Limit Human Consciousness

Why does that patent number matter? Oh just the fact it’s the patent that confirms humanity is being manipulated via the nervous system through television and computers! It’s hard to find any information on a one “Hendricus G. Loos,” despite the fact that he’s filed multiple patent applications, with success, for apparatuses that deal with

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Divine Nature Activation: Christ Consciousness is Upon Us

Divine Nature Activated is a collection of tools for spiritual transformation that addresses epigenetic conditioning and family patterns of trauma. How much do we really know about human history?  Have you ever stopped to wonder why some things just don’t add up?  If we evolved from monkeys who created the monkeys and why do monkeys

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Is Your Water Contaminated

Water that’s safe to drink should ideally be clear with no odor or funny taste. One way to tell if water is contaminated is to look for turbidity or cloudiness. According to an Environmental Working Group’s review of government water analysis, 75% of America’s drinking water is ridden with cancer-causing hexavalent chromium or chromium-6. And 200 million Americans are

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CDC Doctor Who Spoke Publicly About Flu Vaccine Failure Goes Missing: What’s It Gonna Take To Get The Public To Pay Attention?

Another scandal.  Another cover-up. Mainstream news outlets are already trying to claim a doctor who worked for the CDC, who in January 2018,  shared his opinion that this year’s flu shot was behind the deadly outbreak of the flu, just vanished with no foul play involved.  Wow, how does the NY Post solve crimes so

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Red Alert: Every The American Needs to Read, this is NOT a Joke!

Research suggests that chemicals in everyday products may put us at risk for health problems. The CDC now monitors a total of 298 environmental chemicals that have been found in humans, including many used in consumer products. These chemicals can gradually build up in the body, potentially making you sick. A toxic condition. acting as or having the effect

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