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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

With the latest school shooting media circus, the popular theme of posts on social media right now is who do we blame for what is going on in our world.  What’s wrong with our society is the question and everyone seems to think they have the answer.  I’m not going to claim everyone else is

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A City in California Stood Up to Tyranny and Blocked 5G technology Cell Tower, Sets Precedent

Revolutionary research has shown that hindering exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90 percent of patients with autoimmune disease. This provides proof that radiation poses innumerable health risks to humans. A recent study that was published in the peer-reviewed journal Immunologic Research titled “Electrosmog and Autoimmune Disease” enlightens people regarding the

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Scientific Bullshit — How ‘Science’ Is Used To Deceive The Public

Did you know that there was a shocking study published in the Public Library of Science Journal, that found “up to 72%” of scientists admitted their colleagues were engaged in “questionable research practices,” and that just over 14% of them were engaged in outright “falsification”?But it gets even worse; scientists at the Thousand Oaks biotech firm

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Internal CDC Documents Reveal They Manipulated Data To Conceal A Link Between Autism & Vaccines

Note from the World Mercury Project Team:  Following is Part Six in Vera Sharav’s seven-part exposé of the complex and widespread corruption that exists in the vaccines program, the deceptive practices by officials of “authoritative” international public health institutions and further evidence of the callous disregard for the plight of thousands of children and young adults who

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List of Doctors Telling The TRUTH About Vaccines

I don’t know how many times I have heard pro-vaxxers claim that the only doctor to dare speak ill about vaccines was one lone quack doctor who published a false study and lost his license for it.  Well, anyone who has done even ten minutes of research knows that autism is not the only issue

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Consciousness: How To Connect With Universal Energy

The universal energy encompasses the entire universe, and every being residing in it. It shapes every life and directs every being in the universe towards its destiny. To access and harness this universal energy, we must activate our creative mind, and use our cerebral abilities to tap into this perpetual energy source. Our creative mind is different

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