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Blog Category: History

Actions Tell the Obama Position on Government Spending While His Campaign Platitudes Told Nothing but Lies. Obama is Plundering the U.S. Treasury for the NWO. Every presidential candidate says what they think voters want to hear and the Obama position on government spending was no exception. This is just the nature of the game of

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Obama on H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Says it is a Cause For Concern, but Not For Alarm. Medical martial law is the veiled threat behind statements made by Obama on H1N1, even though he insists that any vaccinations will remain voluntary.  Obama’s first statement about the virus was made on April 29th, 2009, just after

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The Obama Lawsuit Supreme Court Has Been Given is About if he Can be President. There have been lawsuits which have been taken to the Supreme Court of the United States of America challenging the right of Barak Obama to be the President of the United States of America. The lawsuits claim that he does

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Obama Gun Rights Record: Is it Different From the Candidate’s Position?  Understanding the Obama gun rights record means looking at his time as a candidate for the office of President of the United States, when Obama said he believes the individual has a right to bear arms, as a general principle based on the Constitution. 

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The Obama Chicago Event Proved Obama is More of a Celebrity Than a President. When the Obama Chicago event on election night unfolded, the crowd went crazy, and it was as if they were at a rock concert instead of watching the president stand up to give a speech. It was obvious people had put

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The Obama Chicago Crowd Looked as if They Were in Awe of Obama.  The Obama Chicago crowd looked as if they had a case of hero worship when Obama took the stage to give his acceptance speech.  The crowd had tears in its eyes and they looked as if they were too afraid to even

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