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Blog Category: History

Will the Democracy in Ancient Rome be America’s Democracy That Leads to Tyranny? According to historians the democracy in Ancient Rome began around the year 449BC and ended in the year 133BC. The word democracy comes from the Greek and means the rule of the individuals or by the people and for the people (in

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A Vital, Short, Message About Topics We’ve Been Lied to About. Money & Banking Before the creation of the Federal Reserve 100% of our money was backed by real gold and silver. Today it is only paper and electronic digits backed by nothing. The amount of money the United States Government owed in 1900 was

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Who Really Killed Abraham Lincoln Unclear. The story that is written in history books states that John Wilkes Booth hated President Lincoln because of his actions to free the slaves and his desire to give them the freedom to vote. According to history, Booth was leader in a heinous conspiracy. However, different theories have been

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A Look at the Declaration of Independence Importance in a Time of a Tyrannical Government is Vital. We Must Fight for the Freedom and Rights We Have Lost. Now is a time in history when all Americans need to take a close look at the Declaration of Independence importance and relevance in society. We must

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Many Countries That Have Used Socialism Have Fallen Prey to Totalitarianism. State Boundaries Meant to Protect Us Often Turn Into Walls of a Prison Camp. Countries that have used socialism are the very same countries that American political agendas have sworn to protect us against. What direction are we headed now? Now in the wake

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In America, the Federal Prison System Houses Millions Upon Millions of Citizens. Learn the Truth About Why Elite Rulers Want to Feed You Into the Prison Industrial Complex. The federal prison system is governed by a federal agency whose responsibility is to manage these prisons. Out of the 2 million people in jail, approximately 1,800,000 are

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