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Blog Category: History

Biography of Hugo Chavez: Chavez Writing a New History of Relations Based on Respect for Sovereignty. On July 28, 1954, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias was born in Sabaneta, in the western state of Barinas Venezuela. According to the biography of Hugo Chavez, he was born the son of two school teachers, living in poverty. From

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The Elite in Power Use Biography of Farrah Fawcett to Distract the Populace from the New World Order. Searches for the biography of Farrah Fawcett increased significantly after the death of the iconic actress. People spend large amounts of time reading and watching celebrity gossip online and not enough time learning the truth behind this

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Bill of Rights Day: December 15th Honors Our Rights And Freedoms. Bill of Rights Day is celebrated around the country on December 15th, honoring the anniversary of the incorporation of the Bill of Rights into the U.S. Constitution. It was in 1941 that President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed that Americans should pay tribute to the

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Can you Preserve Biblical Family Values Today? Family values are beliefs that many people have usually based in traditions passed down through the generations, and often times these family values are preserved through political and religious institutions. For instance Biblical family values have been the basis for European family structure for hundreds of years, however

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The Bible Tells About Secret Societies and Explains Their Danger. The Bible tells about secret societies somewhat cryptically throughout its teachings although one can pick out the verses that pertain to secret societies and decode the words fairly easily. The Bible did not agree with secret societies, and clearly believed such societies were the work

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Berg vs Obama Supreme Court Remains a Buffer Between Obama and Uncovering the Truth. Berg VS Obama Supreme Court started interference and continues to keep the truth as to whether or not Obama citizenship status allows him legally to be our President. This issue all along has received minimal attention over the news or in

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