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Blog Category: Media & Information

Complete Surveillance Systems Have Become a Hotly Debated Topic Since the 9/11 Attacks, but the Loss of Our Privacy Right is Too High a Price for the Pretense of Safety. We hear a lot abou complete surveillance systems these days, especially since 9/11, It’s a way to keep closer tabs on terrorists and other criminal

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Civil Rights and Liberties. Already Under Threat, How Long Before We Lose Many of Our Basic Rights? Our civil rights and liberties have always been under threat and challenged but never more so than in these times as the war on terrorism is the buzzword on everyone’s mind. Add new technology to the equation, new

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Child Protective Services Investigations Often Cause More Harm Than Good. Child Protective Services (CPS) in most states have a simple mission statement that centers around keeping children safe from harm. But, what happens when corruption infiltrates CPS departments, and the very organizations that are meant to protect these children ends up doing them more harm

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Child Protective Services Investigator Omniscient. The image of the child protective services investigator has changed since they began service back in the 1970’s from kindly concerned to all-seeing, all-wise super-humans. But more importantly, the investigator is just like your typical traffic cop, they are working in a quota system and need to fill one each

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Censorship of the Press a Main Stream Media no Longer Trustworthy. Censorship of the press is against the fundamental right guaranteed by the United States Constitution. In recent years, media censorship has become a raging debate. The American public obtains most of their news through the press or other forms of media like TV or

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Censorship Before the 20th Century Rears its Ugly Head Even Today In Modern Society. Censorship before the 20th century in the United States began with the constitution, which forbid the enactment of laws that could regulate speech or the press and ensure one was not punished for speaking how they felt. While there had been

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