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Blog Category: Media & Information

The Best Surveillance Camera Watches Us Like an Electronic Eye Of Big Brother. The High-Tech New World Order Rulers Have Used Consumer Electronics to Invade Our Freedoms. The best surveillance camera is a static or movable device used for the purpose of monitoring people and their actions, either through digital or analog capture. It records

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The Best Reality TV Show is One That Distracts You. America Needs to Snap Out of the Trance Created by Corporate Media Wizards Serving Control Agendas of the NWO. Trying to define the best reality TV show is like trying to define the “best politician.” The best politician, at least until such time as that

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Bad Journalism is the Natural Result of the Elite Banking Cabal Manipulating the News Media, Creating the Belief That Our Government Holds Americans’ Best Interest at Heart. Bad journalism is the reason Americans are victims of the lie that the mainstream media is governed by the principle of unbiased reporting. The truth is, the mainstream media

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The Aircraft Drone Was Designed for War. Many People Believe This High-Tech Spy Will be Used by the NWO to Patrol the Skies of Police-State America! Unmanned aerial vehicles, known as an aircraft drone, have soared the skies of Afghanistan and Iraq for years, spotting enemy encampments, protecting military bases and launching missile attacks against

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The Worldcom Collapse Was Caused by Corporate Corruption. The corporate elite should take a close look at the Worldcom collapse for a glimpse of their future. The state of corporate corruption in rampant in America, causing financial ruin for much of the working class. Economic times are hard for everyone in the United States and

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People Who Seek Truth Must Expose Secret Societies. Government is Supposed to be in Broad Daylight, but Elite Rulers in Dark Rooms Run the World for Their Profit. We must expose secret societies! For centuries they have been in existence, quietly pulling the strings behind the politicians and monarchs and controlling the events of the

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