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Blog Category: Media & Information

The Use of Online Surveillance Takes Away First Amendment Guarantees. Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Government surveillance, however, is increasing in the United States, ostensibly because there is a greater need to scout for potential terrorist activity. This very article could be traced back to its

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The NSA Director Has Plans to Increase the Spying in Cyberspace With the Help of Homeland Security.  Lieutenant General Keith Alexander, the current NSA director, claims that cyber security is too big of a job for the NSA or Homeland Security to do on its own, which is why they are going to team together

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Music Entertainment News Part of Consumer Culture That is Killing America. The latest music entertainment news transports people into the lives and interests of the hottest pop stars and rappers. This is far afield from the problems that interfere with the true pursuit of happiness for every day people. It is a distraction that helps

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The Elite Planners Replace Music And Entertainment With the Truth. While Americans are listing to music and entertainment, the Constitution is being attacked, the Patriot Act is still alive and is violating their rights and surveillance has become a big part of the elite group’s plan to spy on innocent Americans.  Americans need to pull

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In Part, Media is Bought and Paid For by Your Hard Earned Money.  You have been duped into footing the bill for your own mind control because the media is bought and paid for, when you buy a magazine or pay your cable bill. The elite are thankful that they do not have to pay

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Media Censorship in America Hides Why Complete Surveillance and Tracking of the People is Being set up by International Banking Interests. Is there media censorship in America? There sure is. In many areas.  Today, though, we’re going to focus on an issue that is a threat to each and every American whether they realize it or

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