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Blog Category: Media & Information

South Carolina's New Hate Speech Law You Need To Know About

The state of South Carolina will become the first state in the nation to legislate a definition of anti-Semitism that considers certain criticisms of the Israeli government to be hate speech. The language, which was inserted into the state’s recently passed $8 billion budget, offers a much more vague definition of anti-Semitism that some suggest specifically targets the presence

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Conclusive Evidence Proving The VACCINATED Are Spreading This "Deadly Flu Virus"

Tracking the true impact of influenza across the country can be incredibly difficult for a number of factors. First, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the individual states are not required to report deaths related to influenza in those Americans over the age of 18 to the CDC, limiting the availability of accurate

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Conspiracy Theorists VINDICATED: Historic Chemtrails Lawsuit Filed in Canada

An historic lawsuit has been filed in Canada in an effort to expose and halt the practice of chemtrails being sprayed into the atmosphere.  Excerpts from the Canadian legal filing are below: CLAIM Nature of the Proceeding: 1. This is a mass-tort and environmental Proposed Class Proceeding in respect of the spraying into the atmosphere

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Compliant Parents Keep Cycle of Producing Corporate Slaves Ongoing

Even more shocking is that the facilitators and with that the causal factors of this massive emotional and physical child abuse are the presumed guardian angels of the child; the parents. In this time of information they willfully ignore the fact that their child is showing symptoms that are absolutely normal reactions from the exposure

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How Quickly They Forget: Eli Lilly Paid Secret Settlements to Survivors After Man on Prozac Went on Shooting Rampage in 1989

There is a reason the left will not allow a REAL debate on school shootings.  There is a reason they aren’t interviewing Columbine survivors right now with all this media hysteria.  There is a reason why attempts to bring up these topics receive an over-the-top, hysterical and overly emotional response to shut you down.  The

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NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency

One of the over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve, contain damning evidence of Western nations using NATO as a tool to topple Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi.  It was, as usual, the U.S. doing what the U.S. does best.  Portray a nation’s leader without a Rothschild established central bank as

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