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Blog Category: Media & Information

South Carolina's New Hate Speech Law You Need To Know About

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is an educational, research, and scientific society with more than 53000 members. I know I’m going to get a lot of, “But not all of us are like that. Our government is manipulating us. It’s not the fault of the citizens.”  To which I must ask is our participation

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School Shootings, Gun Control & False Flag BS

I have avoided writing about the Florida school shootings, gun control, and the left-right paradigm on these issues for a while now.  I just feel like I’m beating a dead horse. We’ve talked this to death. Debating the same thing over and over. Yet here I am writing about it.  This is turning into a

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Breast cancer is one of the biggest cancer threats to women over the age of 50, so we’re told.  It’s become the norm to start getting mammograms at age 40 like clockwork, without question. Preventative measures are a good thing right?  Well, what if the very test itself to detect cancer is actually causing it?

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Terms & Tricks Being Used to Stop Critical Thinking & Limit Human Consciousness

Why does that patent number matter? Oh just the fact it’s the patent that confirms humanity is being manipulated via the nervous system through television and computers! It’s hard to find any information on a one “Hendricus G. Loos,” despite the fact that he’s filed multiple patent applications, with success, for apparatuses that deal with

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Is Your Water Contaminated

Water that’s safe to drink should ideally be clear with no odor or funny taste. One way to tell if water is contaminated is to look for turbidity or cloudiness. According to an Environmental Working Group’s review of government water analysis, 75% of America’s drinking water is ridden with cancer-causing hexavalent chromium or chromium-6. And 200 million Americans are

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Children Aren’t The Only Ones Being Medically Kidnapped: URGENT

What is going on in our backyards is at a whole other level of corrupt I am running out of words to describe it.  I have been an outspoken critic of the Department of Child Services and their connection to medical kidnapping by corrupt doctors within the healthcare system.  However, it doesn’t end with the

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