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Blog Category: Media & Information

CDC Director Resigns, But CDC Conflicts Of Interest Are Par For The Course

By The World Mercury Project Team Media outlets are announcing the abrupt resignation of Brenda Fitzgerald, the physician appointed in July 2017 to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Director). The resignation follows on the heels of reporting by Politico, which uncovered conflicts of interest pertaining to dubious investment decisions made by Fitzgerald

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Was the Philadelphia Experiment the Opening of Pandora’s Box?

Long ago, in the distant 1943 a ship named “USS Eldridge” was about to be tested by The US Navy. The Philadelphia Experiment is a 1984 science fiction film. It is directed by Stewart Raffill and stars Michael Paré, Bobby Di Cicco, and Nancy Allen and based on the urban legend of the Philadelphia Experiment. Great minds like

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The Secret Meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

To find the secret meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you need to first study how certain parts of a tree function. Furthermore, you need to investigate how certain features of the brain and spine relate to a tree. The tree is an important symbol in many spiritual and religious

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To The Woman Who Dropped Out Of Nursing School: You’re My Hero

I don’t even remember your name.  You probably have no idea who I am.  I saw a comment you made in a group we are both a part of, but I want you to know you’re my hero. I know you’re probably feeling a little down.  That your two years spent in nursing school was

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Neuropsychiatrist Discovers Telepathic Abilities In Autistic Child & Films It On Camera

By: Arjun Walia What we label as autism covers a vast spectrum. One autistic child may be able to communicate perfectly and perform normal daily life tasks, while others can barely move, and still others can’t communicate at all. You also have children under this label known as autistic child “savants” who show extraordinary abilities.  This

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A Neuroscientist Shares The Tremendous Insight She Gained While Having A Near-Death Experience

What if your left brain suddenly shut off and only the right side of your brain were active and working? This is something that can happen when you have a stroke, and exactly what neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor experienced in 1996 — and she was conscious of it happening. Near-Death Experience (NDE) following a severe head

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