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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The National Debt Crisis Worsens at The Hands of The Federal Reserve. The national debt crisis in America is turning a once prosperous nation into one that is being crippled with debt.  If America doesn’t make changes soon the only thing government revenues will be able to do is pay the interest on the debt

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The National ID Card Bill Went Into Effect in May 2008. One of the latest bills to track the American population was put into effect in May 2008 and really underscores the scope of the government’s Big Brother penchant. This legislation systematically goes against the Constitution and as it stands it is extremely invasive into

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Purpose of Mortgage and Bailout Plan is to Put the People at the Mercy of the Government. When Barack Obama came into office, he did not waste any time in getting the mortgage and bailout plan together. He tried to convince Americans that his plan would make the difference in the economy and it would

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All Around America a New Tea Party Represents Renewed Commitment to Ameican Independence from Unfair Taxes. In 1773, 150 patriots boarded three ships that belonged to the East India Tea Company and dumped hundreds of cases of tea into the Boston Harbor.  This was no act of vandalism.  It was a deliberate act of civil

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Americans Are Locked Within Modern Day Slavery… Understanding the Elite Banking Cabal and its Efforts to Control Your Mind, Money, and Resources. Modern day slavery in America is all about debt, the war on drugs, the war on terror and record numbers of people being sent to prison for victimless crimes. Today, all Americans are

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Money and the Banking System in America Allow the Federal Reserve and the Banking Elite to Make Profits Out of Nothing at the Cost of the United States Taxpayer. Money and the banking system of the United States is based on a process where debt creates more money. The main goal of banks is to

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