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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Returning to the Gold Money System Takes the Control of Money Out of Human Hands. America’s departure from the gold standard has been a source of the debt cycle that consumes modern American economics. From the bank runs of 1907 to the Great Depression in 1929, the United States experienced its most severe period of

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A Fraudulent Banking System Exists. The Manner in Which Money is Created Dictates an Economic Collapse by Mathematical Certainty & Design of the NWO Elite. The elite have created a fraudulent banking system by way of the Federal Reserve and their controlling of printed money. The banking mafia would have you believe the Federal Reserve

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The Free Market Enterprise is Nothing More Than a Myth as it’s Controlled by International Bankers.  In school, children are taught that the United States is a free market enterprise, which is why so many people are able to live out the American dream.  What the children don’t realize, though, is there is really only

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The Functions of the US Central Bank are Too Powerful and They’re Not Under Government Control but Rather the Control of the Global Banking Cabal. One of the primary functions of the U.S. Central Bank is to implement financial policy. Unfortunately, for one organization to have that much power over fiscal policy in the United

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Who is Performing the Functions of the American Central Bank and Why Are Private Interests Controlling Public Welfare? In the contemporary setting, the functions of the American central bank can be compared to a banking mafia. Like other central banks around the world, the Federal Reserve revolves around key aspects of economic policy, namely monetary

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Among the Functions of a Central Bank Are Stabilization of the Currency and the Supply of Money, but They Are Also to Create Economic Instability. The functions of a central bank the ability to control interest rates on loans which then either promote or restrict lending, to manage inflation and deflation, and, by proxy, to

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