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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Function of a Central Bank is Supposedly Stabilization of the Currency and an Even Supply of Money, However the True Goal is to Enslave us to Debt. The banking myths we’ve all been taught in school need to be debunked and this can be done through the assimilation of widely known facts. One fact

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In Texas, Governor Rick Perry “Threatens” U.S. With Secession From the Union. At a tea party, Governor Rick Perry of Texas alludes to the possibility Texas could secede from the U.S. due to government mismanagement. Following the elite script to the letter, the Texas governor fuels the media, owned and controlled by the elite, with

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The Founders Warned Against a Central Bank and Wrote Constitutional Laws to Protect the Citizens. The Banking Elite Have Corrupted and Enslaved America. One of our founders warned against a central bank. That Founding Father was Thomas Jefferson who was so aware of the dangers that he helped write laws in the Constitution to protect

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After the Initial Ford Auto Bailout How Many Times Are They Going to Come Back for More Money and Who is Really Behind the Current Economic Disaster? The Ford auto bailout, which was part of the big three bailout, spelled disaster for everyone involved except the CEOs and the heads of the United Auto Workers.

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The Functions of the Central Bank do More Harm Than Good to the U.S. Economy as Banks Are Supposed to Help Customers Not Turn Them Into Slaves. What are the functions of the central bank? The central bank of a country is the only body that is authorized to make all the monetary policies of

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Americans File Federal Taxes Every Year But the National Debt Continues to Grow.  Why file federal taxes if it’s only going to fund more wasteful government spending?  Year after year the American government has proven once again that they are adept at spending taxpayer’s money on wasteful projects.  Politicians like to talk about fiscal responsibility,

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