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Blog Category: Money & Banking

How is America to Solve the Federal Reserve Controversy?  The Federal Reserve controversy is worrisome to many Americans.  The Federal Reserve is the central banking system in the United States. However, the Federal Reserve is not even an actual US government entity, and therefore is not held accountable for its actions.  Each Federal Reserve Bank

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The Federal Reserve Conspiracy Exists no Matter What the Naysayers Tell You; the Fed is an Illegal Central Bank Working Toward a New World Order. There really shouldn’t be any doubt left regarding the Federal Reserve conspiracy. However, so-called “conspiracy de-bunkers” still persist. The following information will help you understand quite clearly how wrong and

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The Federal Reserve Board is a Pawn of the Banking Elite and Their One World Government Goals Designed to Keep the American Taxpayer Enslaved to Debt. America’s entire financial system was handed over to the Federal Reserve Board in 1913 with the passing of the treacherous Federal Reserve Act. We have been conned into thinking

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The Owners of the Federal Reserve Banks Are Swindling You of Your Life, Liberty and Property With the Blessing of the United States Government. Black’s Law Dictionary defines the “Federal Reserve System” as: “Network of twelve central banks to which most national banks belong and to which state chartered banks may belong. Membership rules require investment

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Employment Credit Reporting is Used to Determine if Someone is Worthy of a Job. The Credit System is Once Again Being Used to Disenfranchise the Working Class. It is hard enough trying to live a normal life when bills pile up, people are being laid off from jobs and hours are cut. Some companies won’t

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Estimated Cost of the Georgia Guidestones Means the Group was Well Funded. The Estimated Cost of the Georgia Guide stones is over $100,000 in 1980 terms.  This doesn’t include the cost of shipping the stone or the cost of engraving it. $100,000 is the estimated cost of the stone itself.  The Georgia guide stones are 19

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