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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Entry Level Pharmaceutical Sales People Push the Drugs of the Future. To a new science college graduate, entry level pharmaceutical sales may have great appeal as a first job, in particular the higher average salary they are likely to receive, and where they are exposed to the product of cutting edge science and technology.  That’s

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Federal Income Tax Laws Need to Be Independently and Objectively Reviewed and Changed So That We Find Some Relief. When it comes to the bureaucracy of federal income tax laws, the Internal Revenue Code takes the cake.  Printed on normal copy paper at 60 lines per page, it would stretch almost a mile and a

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Falsely Convicted and Proof of Innocence Then Why Are You Still in Prison? Falsely convicted yet DNA testing shows clearly a person’s innocence then why are so many still in prison?  Prosecutors that withhold evidence or falsify evidence in order to obtain a conviction are more prevalent than you might think.  One a person is

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The Federal Reserve And Monetary Policy Put us Where we Are Today. Federal Reserve and monetary policy are at the core of all our financial difficulties.  It’s not by chance that our economy takes dives then recovers.  And if the international banking cartel feels it in their benefit to cause a depression, they’ll do so,

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The Federal Reserve Bank Definition is Inaccurate and Misleading Because it Should Include That Money is Created by Private Bankers Not Federal Ones. The Federal Reserve Bank definition is the following: The central bank of America that is made up of a government appointed Federal Reserve Board and twelve Federal Reserve banks, tasked with creating and

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The Fed is a Central Bank, Contrary to The Desires of The Founding Fathers And The Welfare of The Country. Currency is the method used in most countries for trade and repayment of debt. Generally, bills and coins are issued by a bank that represents a set value and is backed by that bank. In

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