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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Federal Credit Reporting Act is Only a Feel Good Solution to Placate the Public Into Ignoring the Fact They’re Financial Slaves to the Banking Elite. The Federal Credit Reporting Act, also known as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, is a federal law designed to make sure the credit reporting agencies keep only accurate information

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Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S. Run Solely as Independent Institution. The Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S. loans money as a last resort to institutions with unusual circumstances whereby failing to obtain a loan would create severe if not irreparable damage. On September 16, 2008 insurance giant American International Group (AIG) received an 85

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Through Manipulation, Widespread Apathy Has Been Developed in America so That the People Don’t Understand Money and How the Fed Steals Wealth From the People. Although widespread apathy does certainly reign supreme in America regarding the Federal Reserve and the fact that our monetary system enslaves us, there are thankfully many people waking up to

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The Grand EPA Deception is That it Does Not Work For the Government But For the Shadow Government. The EPA deception has been going on for a very long time, they are one of the most corrupt branches of government active today.  We already know that the Environmental Protection Agency lied to the American people

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This Wiretapping Quote Won’t be on the News Because the Banking Mafia Want to Bury the Truth. “At present, we still have much to learn about the NSA’s domestic surveillance. “What we do know about this pervasive wiretapping virtually compels the conclusion that the President of the United States has been breaking the law repeatedly

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Is the Fascist Symbol in the US Government a Warning Sign of Things to Come? A fascist symbol is an important part of the propaganda surrounding every fascist government throughout history.  Fascist governments use the symbol as a rallying point, and a way to connect history with the present movement.  In Italy, the symbol used

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