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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Frightening Facts About the Federal Reserve Includes the Actuality That it in no Way Helps the American People but Rather Facilitates Our Financial Enslavement. The first of facts about the Federal Reserve to know is that it is more than a bank; it is an entire banking system, which controls everything and everyone in the

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Read a Collection of Fed Thoughts Demonstrating How the Federal Reserve is a Privately Owned Corporation Run by the Elite Banking Mafia who Are Stealing Your Money and Freedom. Fed thoughts reveal the underhanded way in which the the Federal Reserve System creates money out of thin air, simply by printing more “green-backs”. They then

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Who Really Owns the Federal Reserve Has Been a Well Designed Illusion for Many Years as the Name Fed Implies Government Ownership When it’s a Crooked Private Corp. Who really owns the federal reserve can be answered by applying a few basic rules of ownership. In spite of the word “Federal” in the name, the

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The Federal Reserve Bank Locations Were Planned Given Strategic Criteria to Maximize Their Usefulness Toward the New World Order. After the deceptive Federal Reserve act was passed in 1913, twelve cities were designated as Federal Reserve Bank locations. It was the task of the three Reserve Bank Organization Committee members to select these twelve cities.

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Fair Credit Reporting Act Background Checks Are Used as Yet Another Method to Track and Control the American Public in Their Enslavement to Debt. Today, Fair Credit Reporting Act background checks have become mainstream practice and are frequently used by employers when hiring new employees. There are a number of excuses for the increase in

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Why Aren’t Drug Companies Paying Insurance Companies? Drug companies paying insurance companies would expedite a constant flow of money that is processed through the medical industry, and the cost of healthcare would drastically decrease, drug companies are the number one money maker in America, even in a time when our economy is faltering, they’re flourishing.

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