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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Taking a Look at World Population Control, Rockefeller, AIDS, United Nations, Planned Parenthood, and New World Order. It’s virtually impossible to give you a complete education on any subject in one article, let alone the subject of world population control. Our goal is always to introduce you to the subjects that relate to the international

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The FDA Definition of Dietary Supplement is a Tool of Manipulation Used by the Banking Mafia.  The FDA used to consider dietary supplements to be composed only of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins.  The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 added ‘herbs, or similar nutritional substances” to the FDA definition of

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The EPA Director Has One of the Most Corrupt Positions in Government and Lies Constantly to the American People. The EPA director has the main job of ensuring that the environment and people within that environment are protected from harm. They do this by calculating the risk of certain things to a person’s health or

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Bush Authorization for NSA Causes Wiretapping Scandal and Talk of Impeachment. Wiretapping scandal with NSA leads to calls for the impeachment of President George W. Bush. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court, known as FISC, was created as a direct result of Nixon’s abuse of power that led to his impeachment. John Dean, a

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Is Current Federal Income Tax Unconstitutional? The current federal income tax is argued by many to be unconstitutional on the basis of the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Tax campaigners argue that the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified. This contention comes in a large degree from a 1985 book called “The Law

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The Federal Banking System Has Nothing to do With the Federal Government and Everything to do With Enslaving America to Global Bankers. When it comes to the federal banking system, most Americans know little or nothing about how it works. Perhaps even worse, those who have attempted to find out more about the US banking

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