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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Dissent From the Front Lines is a Highly Circulated Article With a Liberal Agenda. Dissent From the Front Lines is a popular article written by Robert Scheer. In this article, Scheer discusses the idea that many of the troops fighting the war in Iraq are dissenting against the war, fighting for their country to fulfill their

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The Drug Company Profits Compared to the Cost of Manufacturing is Scandalous.  The drug company profits compared to profits of similar size companies in other sectors are simply staggering. As an example, Pfizer’s Chairman made $40.2 million in 2002 alone and this should lead you to imagine the profits these companies make. The role of

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David Rockefeller and Dick Cheney Both Choose to Use Fear Mongering To Achieve Their Objectives David Rockefeller and Dick Cheney share the same skills when it comes to fear mongering and blaming everything on 911. When they want to justify breaking the law they simply blame it on 911 and claim that there is little

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The Faith of the Founding Fathers is Quite a Misunderstood Facet of the Beginnings of the United States. Is the USA Really a Christian Nation? There are a lot of misconceptions about the faith of the Founding Fathers. Some say they were all atheists, others say they were Deists. In reality there wasn’t just one

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The Fed Began at Jekyll Island in a Shroud of Secrecy. Lies Have Been Used to Hide the True Purpose of the Fed Which is to Enrich and Empower the Global Banking Elite. The Fed began at Jekyll Island. Mention the name Jekyll and most people will immediately think of the famous Doctor Hyde and

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EPA Climate Change is a Scare Tactic to Bring in the Carbon Tax, the World Has In fact Been Cooling For Many Years. The EPA climate change debacle continues to this day, as Americans, scientists and the government all have opposing views on the controversial subject.  The Environmental Protection Agency is a powerful branch of

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