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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Which States Allow Wiretapping is an Unimportant Issue When One Recognizes That Our Federal Government Has the Means to Spy on Any Citizen at Any Time. Which states allow wiretapping is a mute point when federal law allows the wiretapping, or recording, of phone calls and all other forms of electronic communication. Any state restrictions

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Is Federal Income Tax Filing Constitutional? Many people today believe Federal income tax filing is unconstitutional. A libertarian viewpoint proposes the existence of a natural right to enjoy all the fruits of ones own labour. Many libertarians point to the ninth Amendment to back this argument up.  They argue that taxation of income is an

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The Evolution and Human Behavior Journal Is Used By The Elite To Control The Masses. The evolution and human behavior journal consists of a plethora of theories all culminating in a framework on interpretational cognitive sciences. Evolution as applied to human behavior is where we can make the distinction between normal evolutionary theory and evolutionary

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Farrah Fawcett Illness Given More Media Coverage Than $1 Billion Stimulus to Fund US Police State. Farrah Fawcett illness. given more consistent media coverage than the disturbingly large sum of money allotted to advance the US police state. This is the sad state of our media today, it allocates more coverage to one celebrity’s battle

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Wealthy Corporations Win When Public Services are Privatized. When public services are privatized, it ensures that business and profit concerns will become more important than human life, and spells disaster for those who already struggle to make a life for themselves. Privatization of public services makes corporations gods over the lives of all mankind, in

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Federal Regulation of Oil Pipelines Increases Cost and Red Tape for Oil Companies Forcing an Increase in Imported Oil and Higher Prices for Consumers. One of the reasons for the banks in the United States and other countries running amok, and creating one of the worst banking crises in recent memory was the lack of

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