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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Fascist Obama Will Forever Change the Direction of the Nation as His Humanitarian Policy Hides the Fascist Control Plot by the Banking Elite. As president, fascist Obama can influence Americans in most any direction he wants. Due to the harsh economic downturn over the last couple of years, government actions were taken to avoid a

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Some Facts on the National Debt. While the national debt grows, few Americans truly know any facts on the national debt, how much it has been growing, why it has been growing so much, and how present day economics differ from those in the era of Roosevelt and even Kennedy. The national debt risings coincides

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Let’s Explain the Creation of Money. Learn How Bankers Create Money Out of Thin Air and Use it to Steal Real Wealth From the People. We’ve written extensively on our site about money creation and the frauds of the Federal Reserve. Recently, we found a great passage in The Legalized Crime of Banking and a Constitutional

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The People Who Explain Carbon Credits Want to Keep Everyone Confused.  It is not enough to hire scientists to use complicated terms anymore, because people want someone to do the explanations.  They want someone to explain carbon credits in a simple and easy to understand way.  The government wants to hide the truth about carbon

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The Federal Reserve and Jekyll Island Connection is Where the Central Bank Was Formed to Facilitate the Agenda of the Banking Elite. The Federal Reserve and Jekyll Island are linked together in American history in a secret way that not many people are aware of. In 1886 Jekyll Island, located near Brunswick, Georgia, was purchased by

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Evidence of Global Cooling is Simply Nonexistent. Members of the Banking Mafia Influence Scientists to Manipulate Data in an Ongoing Effort to Keep Americans Distracted. It might seem like the politicians are in control of world. Most countries are a democracy where we are given a number of freedoms. The government hasn’t been in control

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