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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Federal Reserve Bank News Would Reveal the Swindling of the Public Out of Their Money and Country. The Elite Banking Cabal Has Taken Over With Their NWO. Federal Reserve Bank news catches the attention of nearly every American today. Yet the Founding Fathers strongly opposed the formation of such a central banking system. Our Founding

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Find Out Where to Buy Organic Food And Stay Healthy. Americans want to know where to buy organic food, but that information is being hidden from them due to the desire of the elite group to keep it from them. Monsanto is the enemy to organic food and is an avid supporter of Consumer Alert,

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You Could Be Targeted for Wiretapping Surveillance Under Current Laws. Wiretapping surveillance does not require a warrant, meaning anyone is a potential target for gross invasion of privacy. The NSA was given authority by President George W. Bush for warrantless wiretapping, defying the whole process of checks and balances and the law. Living under a

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The Federal Reserve Act, Signed Into Effect on December 23, 1913 by Woodrow Wilson, Has Been Widely Debated Ever Since.  The Federal Reserve Act has many opponents, some of which are taking up petitions and legal action, to try and abolish America’s central banking authority. The inner workings of the Federal Reserve System are a

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When Federal Reserve Banks Increase Money Supply, They Devalue the Dollar and With Absolute Intention They Bring You Closer to Bankruptcy Everyday. When the Federal Reserve Banks increase money supply, they decrease the value of the dollars in your pocket. This is the true reason your quality of life is going down. This is why

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Federal Reserve Bank Fraud is Allowing the Destruction of the US Economy by a Handful of Elite Families Who Control the Government. Most people do not understand that the Federal Reserve is not regulated by the government. They believe the “Fed” to be those individuals they see on TV, typically the head of the organization,

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