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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Federal Reserve Bank Chairman is Not Publicly Elected. Elite Bankers Who Put Him Into Office Are Power Players Who Run the World From Behind the Scenes. The Federal Reserve Bank chairman is not publicly elected, yet he holds one of the most powerful positions in America. Ben Bernanke, the current Fed president, is ranked

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The Federal Reserve Bank History Tells the Story of the Elite and How Their Banking Cabal is Rising to Control the World Through a One World Government. The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. The Federal Reserve bank history shows how the elite have worked to take over the US financial system.

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Who Truly Owns the Federal Reserve is Not Who we Assume it to be Because It’s Owned by a Criminal Banking Cabal With the Support of the US Government. It tends to be very hard to get a straight answer to the question of who truly owns the Federal Reserve. While it may be hard

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Who Controls the Federal Reserve is a Surprise to Most Hard Working Americans. The Fed is Controlled by the Same Banking Elite Who Engineered the US Economic Crisis. Most Americans think they don’t need to know who controls the Federal Reserve. They do not understand how important and revealing it is learn that those who

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Where Does the United States Store its Emergency Oil Reserves is a Question Every American Should Be Asking. They’re being Withheld, Not Stored. Where does the United States store its strategic oil reserves intended for use in the event of catastrophic oil shortages, and who profits from shortages? The answer is that they are stored

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The Benefits of Federal Reserve Bank Credit Swell the Coffers of the Elite Banking Cabal at the Expense of American Society and Quality of Life. Federal Reserve Bank credit provisions materialize each time a dollar is printed. The U.S. government is indebted to the Federal Reserve by way of bonds, with interest charged. One might wonder

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