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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Dallas Federal Reserve Bank is Controlled by the Global Elite Banking Cabal to Further Their Agenda For a One World Banking System. Just like the entire Federal Reserve System, the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and controlled by the criminal banking cabal. It is through this system Americans have been deceived, controlled

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Who Owns the Federal Reserve is Not Who the General Public Thinks it is, but Rather a Secret Cabal of Private Bankers With Family Lineages Tied to the Illuminati.  Who owns the Federal Reserve System? This is a question that more people need to be paying close attention to. In school, we all learned the

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Curbing Global Warming is a Way to Make Money by Lying to the Public. The Government Uses Fear of Climate Change to Control the Masses & Make Them Depend on Gov. Curbing global warming is not a necessity. In fact, it’s proven to be a swindle by actual climate scientists. When the public believes everything

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Who Pays for EPA Enforcement While They Create Ridiculous Bills and Lie to the American People. Do you know who pays for epa enforcement while they are busy lying to us? If you follow the money the taxpayer is ultimately going to be on the hook for any government program. The latest fiasco is tied

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Federal Reserve Banking is Corrupting the Heart of the U.S., it Must End Before it is Too Late and They Become a One World Bank. The only solution for the crumbling United States economy is to abolish the Federal Reserve banking system. The nation must return the country to the gold standard. The people must

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The Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta is Part of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Network Controlled by the Powerful Elite Banking Cabal. They Enslave Americans. The Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta forms an intricate part of America’s central banking system. Out of the twelve strategically placed Federal Reserve districts, the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank serves the sixth. They

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