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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Federal Income Tax in the USA is an Un-Ratified Sixteenth Amendment.  The history of federal income tax in the USA continues to draw varied views from diverse groups.  Its perception has varied greatly sine 1913. Tax protestors claim that the Sixteenth Amendment was not ratified properly.  Today, the Sixteenth Amendment has led to increase in

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Discover Famous Money Quotes That Show How Fraudulent Money Changers Control You and Your Government. Fractional Lending is the Enslavement of All Mankind Today. Famous money quotes give us insight into the mindset of those who wish to economically enslave Americans. Global elite banking criminals have been working quietly and steadily, using their power and

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A Vital, Short, Message About Topics We’ve Been Lied to About. Money & Banking Before the creation of the Federal Reserve 100% of our money was backed by real gold and silver. Today it is only paper and electronic digits backed by nothing. The amount of money the United States Government owed in 1900 was

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Who Really Killed Abraham Lincoln Unclear. The story that is written in history books states that John Wilkes Booth hated President Lincoln because of his actions to free the slaves and his desire to give them the freedom to vote. According to history, Booth was leader in a heinous conspiracy. However, different theories have been

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To See a Deregulation of Banking System, the Elite Banking Cabal Must be Pushed Out of Power and This is Not Likely to Happen Anytime Soon. A deregulation of banking system will help to save the national economy, but it could ruin the short-term individual economy. The elite have been able to make citizens very

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The Dallas Fed is Just Another Part of the Federal Reserve Scam Put Forward by the Global Banking Cabal to Further Their New World Order Agenda. The Dallas Fed is a regional branch of the Federal Reserve. It covers the states of Texas, parts of Louisiana and sections of New Mexico. But no matter the

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