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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Some Are Surprised by The Effects of the US Central Bank.  There are roughly three hundred and three million people in the United States, as of 2008, and based on the number of Internal Revenue Service filings, almost half of these people are wage earners. It might surprise a majority of these one hundred and

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Drug Crime Law is Causing More Damage Than Drugs. In Fact, One Might go so Far as to Say Our State, Local and Federal Police Agencies Have Become “Hooked” on the War on Drugs. Drug crime laws is in dire need of total reformation. The United States government’s failure, or seemingly willful resistance, to act

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Large White House Bailout Bonuses Confirm Government is in the Grip of the Powerful Financial Elite. White House bailout bonuses continued, even though by March 2009, the world was suffering economic hardship with some formerly prosperous countries officially declaring a period of falling house prices, increasing unemployment and great economic uncertainty. Some say that after

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When is H1N1 Vaccine Going to be Available is a Question the Banking Mafia Wants You to Ask, But Really You Should Ask Instead When It Is Going to Stop Being Used as a Blunt Instrument. The criminal banking mafia has been doing everything in their power to keep you as scared as possible for

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The Financial and Political Effects from Global Warming Are the True Danger to Society. The main effects from global warming are much more perilous than heightened temperatures and a soon-to-be uninhabitable planet.  This is the global warming myth that gets sold to concerned citizens around the globe by the controlling elite, who seek to reap

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European Union Law Supercedes the Law of Individual Nations Ending National Sovereignty. If you’ve heard of the European Union law, then you are probably wondering how a single governing body can exert control over so many diverse nations. European Union Law essentially overrides the laws of individual member nations much like laws of the Federal

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