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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Let’s Look at a Creative Solution That Makes Sense in Terms of How to Deal With the Evil Bankers Who Run the Fraudulent Federal Reserve; Abolish Them. America is looking for a creative solution to what ails her; most U.S. citizens can’t understand why their lives are deteriorating. They can’t understand why their dollars don’t

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Currency Controls Using the RFID Chip Are Just Another Way for the Global Elite to Monitor us and Track Our Spending for Control by the One World Government. The banking elite have been using currency controls to gain more power over the population as they march towards creating a New World Order. They would like

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What is State of Download Entertainment Music? Since the creation of Napster when music “piracy” became mainstream in the nineteen nineties, download entertainment music has been driving major corporation nuts as it allows one person who bought a CD to distribute the content of that CD to millions of people all over the internet and

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Knowing The Secrets of Credit Score Ratings Gives People Power to Change Them. Even though it is almost impossible to avoid advertisers telling people how crucial it is to know their credit score ratings, there is still a lot of mystery about the credit reporting system. That mystery is not artificial, the credit reporting agencies

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Understanding the Credit Score Explanation. Trying to get a full out credit score explanation can be a lot like trying to figure out how they get the soft flowing caramel into the caramel bar. But that doesn’t mean your credit bureau doesn’t owe you a full explanation when it comes to your credit score but

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A Credit Score 560 Can Cost You Thousands. The term credit is a household term for Americans today, whether we are talking about the global financial crisis, or trying to secure credit through any means, even with a credit score 560. Yes, many an American cares little about the global financial trauma, when they are

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