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Blog Category: Money & Banking

Children in Single Parent Families Raised Mainly by Women Leave Both Impoverished. Children in single parent families are rarely raised by men and both the women and children become impoverished, the cost of living has become so high it requires at least two incomes for the families that are intact to maintain a decent quality

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Examine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Companies for the Increasing Power They Wield. The Banking Elite Are Pushing Drugs on the Masses for Their NWO. The manufacturers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals today are drugging America. The love of money, it has been said, is the root of all evil. This is true. There is no denying the

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The Chair of the Federal Reserve is a Puppet for the Banking Elite Who Control This Figurehead. Our Money and Economy Were Stolen When the Fed Was Created. The chair of the Federal Reserve is but a figurehead. He is part of the international banking cartel which has subverted our world as we know it.

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Even Though the CFR Originated in Europe, it’s the American Branch of the Elite Plan to Bring a Totalitarian New World Order. The CFR originated in Europe in 1919, when Colonel Edward M. House, who was a close advisor of then-President Woodrow Wilson, gathered together many prominent American and British ‘peace’ delegates. The meeting that

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The Central Bank of the US, Otherwise Known as the Federal Reserve System, is Owned by a Private Banking Cabal Who Are Working Toward a New World Order. The central bank of the US is not what it seems. Congressman Wright Patman had this to say in 1944. ‘The Federal Reserve bank buys government bonds

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It’s Time Every American Wakes up to the CFR and North American Union. The Union Will Result in Tyranny. It’s time to watch a few CFR and North American Union videos. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is behind the push to end America’s sovereignty through the United States police state. “Once the ruling members

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