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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Central Banking System is Run by Private Bankers and Not the Government. These Corrupt Individuals Are Stealing From America for Their New World Order Agenda. Just what is the central banking system and why should all Americans question the power it holds over the country’s finances and economy? In the United States, this banking

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Acquiring Central Bank Information Takes Some Digging Because the Private Owners of the Federal Reserve Have a Lot to Hide. Learn Why We Must Abolish the Fed Today. One item of central bank information that isn’t too hard to find is the publicly stated task assigned to such central banks as the U.S. Federal Reserve

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The Government Acquires Central Bank Debt When it Borrows Money From the Federal Reserve. The Taxpayer’s Burden is to Repay This Infinite Spiral of Money Owed to Elites. A central bank debt system is called the banker’s bank and the government’s bank because they both can borrow money from the central bank. The substantive issue

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The Central Bank Causes Inflation Through the Debasement of the Currency When the Federal Reserve Lends Money to the Puppet NWO Government They Put in Office. The central bank causes inflation when the Federal Reserve prints fiat money and thereby the value of each dollar in circulation decreases. The only thing that gives these dollars

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The Central Bank Called the Federal Reserve is a Private Corporation Run by the Corrupt Banking Elite. They Rule the World With Counterfeit Money. The United States central bank called the Federal Reserve Banking System has created mayhem within our country. Most Americans are in deep financial trouble with huge credit card debt and little

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The US Central Bank and Monetary Policy Are Run by an Elite Group of International Bankers With the Sole Motivation of Personal Gain in Power and Money. The central bank and monetary policy are put in effect by using various policy instruments which maneuver the economy. Interest rates are an obvious method of setting policy

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