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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Bailout Lenders Are Every Person on Planet Earth. I think the above title for this article sums up the entire issue, but I will prove it to you anyway. Most people assume that the people who’re going to pay for the bailouts authorized by G.W. Bush and Obama will be paid back by the

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Bailout Funds Bonuses and Leaves Taxpayers on the Hook for Billions of Dollars. Bailout funds bonuses so executives have no need to worry about lost wages. Isn’t it ironic that the very people that were able to run these industries into the ground so far that bailouts and bankruptcy were there only options, won’t miss

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The Bailout Details Socilaist Benefits For The Elite While Majority Face Exploitation Under Capitalism. Months after the subprime mortgage crisis exploded and the Federal Government announced it would step in, many of the bailout details have still not been clarified. ”Critics of how the Bush administration handled the first half of the bailout say it

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Bailout Cost Could be as High as $9.7 Trillion According to Bloomberg. A recent Bloomberg article estimated the total cost of the financial bailout at $9.7 trillion taxpayer dollars. Whether right or wrong, there is no doubt the bailout cost will reach into the trillions, we could quibble over the number of trillions but it

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Bailout Chrysler: The Dilemmas About Federal Bailout and Problems of the Auto Makers. Back in 1979, bailout Chrysler plan was a Loan Guarantee Act of the US Congress for the Chrysler Corporation. Announcing the bankruptcy before bailout, Chrysler Corporation was provided with a 1.5 billion dollar loan. A brief background of the events that transpired

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Read Facts About the Average Income of American Families. Find Out Why Elites Want to Drive the Masses Into the Poorhouse to Serve Their NWO Agendas. History reveals that the average income of American families is about thirty two thousand dollars annually for individuals twenty five years or older. Although it may sound like a

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