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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Truth About the Average Income for American Families is Becoming Clear. Our NWO Regime is Orchestrating Conditions of Economic Chaos for Control. Anyone who thinks that the average income for American families has dropped only in the last couple of years might be in for a surprise. We tend to evaluate our circumstances as

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The Average FICO Credit Score of 680 is Only Considered Fair-to-Good But not Great The average FICO credit score in the United States is 680. Although this number is considered moderately high, it may not be good enough to obtain a home mortgage loan in today’s tight lending market. A loan broker will look at

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Average American Family Incomes are Inadequate Compared to Rising Inflation. The average US family income has become increasingly unstable over the last three decades. During the early 2000s, almost one in ten American adults below the age of 65 had an income drop of 50% or more. In 1990, the Federal Reserve reported that the

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Automotive Bailouts are Typical for a Growing Fascist State. In the Name of Helping Business, the NWO Rulers Help Themselves to Control Over All Commerce and Enslave Us. The collapse of the car industry was designed such that automotive bailouts would transfer the people’s wealth to industry. Behind this bailout is an illegal banking cartel.

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People Getting to the Truth Behind the Automaker Bailouts is Important. We Must Understand How Our Government is Merging With Corporations and Creating US Fascism. Automaker bailouts have led to some fiery arguments in the press and at the dinner table as Americans wonder what the automakers have done with their profits. The bailout rewards

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The Automaker Bailout Props Up a Dying Industry at Taxpayer Expense. The automaker bailout injected billions of dollars into the dying US auto industry, in the attempt to prop up an industry that has brought itself to the brink of a permanent demise through irresponsible management. After the government bailed out the failing financial sector,

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