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Blog Category: Pharmaceuticals

Why Aren’t Drug Companies Paying Insurance Companies? Drug companies paying insurance companies would expedite a constant flow of money that is processed through the medical industry, and the cost of healthcare would drastically decrease, drug companies are the number one money maker in America, even in a time when our economy is faltering, they’re flourishing.

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Taking a Look at World Population Control, Rockefeller, AIDS, United Nations, Planned Parenthood, and New World Order. It’s virtually impossible to give you a complete education on any subject in one article, let alone the subject of world population control. Our goal is always to introduce you to the subjects that relate to the international

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The FDA Definition of Dietary Supplement is a Tool of Manipulation Used by the Banking Mafia.  The FDA used to consider dietary supplements to be composed only of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins.  The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 added ‘herbs, or similar nutritional substances” to the FDA definition of

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The Drug Company Profits Compared to the Cost of Manufacturing is Scandalous.  The drug company profits compared to profits of similar size companies in other sectors are simply staggering. As an example, Pfizer’s Chairman made $40.2 million in 2002 alone and this should lead you to imagine the profits these companies make. The role of

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Understand That Many a Federal Drug Law Includes Topics Like Removing Habeas Corpus, Building a Police State, and Creating a Cashless Society. The following discusses the ramifications of a federal drug law called the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-690).  As you’ll see, when the rogue U.S. Government passes laws today, the actual wording

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Any Definition of Contraception And Sterilization is Not Complete Without Considering Hidden Elite Tools Designed to Exterminate The Masses. There is no question that greedy elites rely on people not knowing the true definition of contraception and sterilization. As with so many other things, it is fairly easy to spot once an individual knows how

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