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Blog Category: Pharmaceuticals

The Truth About Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and Drug Recalls. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation has to recall many of their drug products.  When it’s found a drug is creating more problems than it’s worth it must be recalled.  And although having drugs recalled is common all over the world, Novartis seems to have had more than its

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Mercury Vaccine is Used to Control World Population by Weakening Immune Systems and Increasing the Death Rate. The Masses Are Weakened by Sickness for the NWO. The mercury vaccine, which is given in childhood, is now known to cause autism in children. And this is information that the federal government is trying to conceal from

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The Method of Sterilization Used by the Elite in Order to Control The Population of The Non-Leadership Class Has Attained an Appealing Media Image. The elite have also used some method of sterilization in order to pursue a eugenics agenda intended to control the population. Eugenics is the pseudoscience used to create a perfect race

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Secret Methods for Sterilization are Wrong. Involuntary and illegal methods for sterilization are happening almost every day unknowingly to citizens of the U.S.?  Did you know that George W. Bush illegally authorized sterilization of Native American citizens?  Evidence has been surfacing for decades over illegal plans to sterilize those not fitting the picture for the

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Mental Health Assessments are Not Accurate and are Not Intended to be Accurate.  Mental health assessments are intended to give a true picture of a person’s mental and emotional well-being.  There are many mental diseases like dementia, anxiety, depression, stress, phobias and panic attacks that can affect different people in different ways.  These diseases are

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Methods of Sterilization Are Often Used by Greedy Elites to Control External Populations.  If a male cat could talk, it would most likely be opposed to many methods of sterilization, nevertheless, the elites use a wide range of methods to impose physical and mental vasectomies on millions of American males each year. At the same

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