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Blog Category: Science & Technology

The Elite’s Meaning of Microchips That They Would Like You to Think of is in Regards to Computers.  The elite would like for you to only associate the meaning of microchips to that which pertains to computers and nothing having to do with living things.  The elite know how sensitive people are to the idea

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The Meaning of Echelon Goes Much Further Than Its Literal Definition, in Fact, What it Stands For is the U.S. Government Spying on Its Very Own Citizens. What you don’t know about the meaning of Echelon can and definitely will hurt you. If a poll were taken of a large cross-section of Americans, it is

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The Military Controls the Mapping Global Positioning System. There are many uses to mapping global positioning system using satellite tracking.  This technology was first used by the military for tracking assets and in tracking the movements of foreign suspects.  It was also used in mapping for navigation for military applications.  Gradually, the technology was introduced

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Live Satellite Pictures Are an Effective Distraction the Ruling Class Elite Uses to Redirect Americans’ Attention From Their True Agenda, Monitoring Individuals. Live satellite pictures serve the elites by not only distracting us from their nefarious deeds, but also by tracking activities deemed “dangerous” – in other words, people who take a stand against the

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What Most Americans Don’t Know. Laws Regarding Video Surveillance. There is Little Control and Few Limits When it Comes to Government Surveillance. Laws regarding video surveillance vary slightly from one state to another.  However, surveillance by the American government seems often to be governed by laws that are based on the need for national security. 

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The Laws on Wiretapping Aren’t Well Understood and Don’t Benefit the Public.  The laws on wiretapping were originally established to allow the government to monitor foreigners who may have been plotting against the United States. Many of them were first written during the Cold War, and they expressly forbid the use of wiretapping against American

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