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Blog Category: Science & Technology

The Book The Man Behind the Microchip Shows How Someone’s Dreams Can be Used Against Them.  The elite know that the man behind the microchip, Robert Noyce, Is not responsible for the current state of affairs.  They would like you to believe that there is nothing wrong with microchips at all and to prove this,

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The Mark of the Beast VeriChip is the Book of Revelations That Has Come True.  The mark of the beast VeriChip has brought to light what many people have been looking for after reading the Bible and seeing the ominous warning about the mark of the beast, and how the beast would have all of

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Tiny, the Latest GPS Tracking Device Used on You. The latest generation of Global Positioning System tracking devices are extremely small. In fact, there are units that are less than half the size of your computer’s mouse. They’re so small, they could be mistaken for the cap to a ballpoint pen or USB thumb drive.

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Is Wiretapping Bad: A Question so Simple a Nine Year Old Could Answer it.  Is wiretapping bad for the society and future of the country? The government of the United States considers it legal to listen to the private phone conversations of Americans, to read their personal emails and to go through their web browsing

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Jobsite Biometric Time Clocks Have Recently Been Considered for Use in Our Schools, Forcing Teachers to be Scanned as They Enter or Leave Their School Site- NWO. Employers see jobsite biometric time clocks as a basic necessity in the workplace. Instead of using a basic sign in sheet or punch card, employees have to scan

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Israel Launches Spy Satellite: Good Or Bad? In January 2008, newspaper headlines saying, “Israel Launches Spy Satellite”, were met with mixed responses around the world. Israel launched an advanced spy satellite that will be able to track events in Iran, the country it considers its top foe, even at night and in cloudy weather, defense

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