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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Big Business Benefits From Information on Facial Recognition Technology at the Expense of Citizens Privacy Rights.  The wealth of information on information on facial recognition technology has led to accuracies which no one had envisioned a few years before.  Unseen accuracies are creating excitement among international actors who are even misusing them for selfish intrastate

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Information on Facial Recognition Software Will Spread. Information on Facial Recognition Software is all over the Internet.  We are constantly told that this technology will be able to protect us from terrorists, the bogeyman and the tooth fairy gone bad. If only the stupid public would bend over and allow the government to insert these

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Internet Freedom of Speech is Not Only Restricted in Communist Countries, But Everywhere.  Internet freedom of speech is a widely debated topic, as there is a great deal of concern over whether the internet should have the same rights to free speech as people are supposed to be given when they are in the public. 

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Invasive Global Aerial Surveillance Creates a Society Where Big Brother is Watching.  Invasive global aerial surveillance is much more widespread than people realize, and because of that people have a real serious danger they must try to avoid before it is too late and they no longer have any privacy at all.  Aerial surveillance is

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Who’s Responsible for the Invention of RFID? Technology Designed to Track by Radio Will One Day be Used to Track Us Everywhere We go in the NWO; Never Take the RFID Chip. It’s hard to pinpoint historical facts regarding the invention of RFID, such as the actual inventor of Radio Frequency Identification. Like most modern

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Who’s Responsible For The Invention of RFID? It’s hard to pinpoint the actual inventor of Radio Frequency IDentification, since like most modern science, it’s based on earlier finds. Radio frequencies and their use as identification markers is as old as radio itself, but didn’t become common until World War II. At that point, the use

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