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Blog Category: Science & Technology

The History of Speech Recognition Shows How Much the Technology Can Evolve. Many people think that speech recognition is a new technology, but the history of speech recognition shows that the technology is nothing new, and has in fact been around since 1940s.  When the first device was developed in the 1940s, it was far

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The Genetically Modified Animal is a Plot to Sicken Americans. Scientists in the Know say Tampering With Genes of Food is a “no-no” but the FDA says Okay! Conducting experiments to create a genetically modified animal is the goal of the University of Illinois. The study is called the Pig Project, where scientists are learning

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Genetically or Modified Foods are Consumed by Everyone in the U.S. Genetically or modified foods (GMF) are consumed by everyone without acception.. GMF have found their way into such a long list of common food products that one would indeed need to be a purest, to the extent of avoiding grocery stores, to avoid ingesting

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Genetics Are Something That Most People do Not Understand.  The elite are willing to use your ignorance about genetics against you in order to make you believe that they are trying to help you.  They would like for you to believe that the human genome project is being researched in order to make your life

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Glenn Beck Opinion on Wiretapping Goes Along With The Global Elite Plan. The Glenn Beck opinion on wiretapping shouldn’t fool you.  He asks you to name one single conversation you’ve had while our government listened in.  He asks you to name a single freedom denied while Bush reined. Well, let’s answer that!  How many phone calls

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Global Positioning Maps Make it Easy for the U.S. to Know Everything About You as an American And About Anyone Else on The Planet it Desires. Benjamin Franklin once said, “A good conscience is like a virtual Christmas”. What Mr. Franklin could not have foreseen, however, is that the U.S. government in a modern age

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