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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Global Positioning System Tracking Cell Phones is Just One More Step Toward Enslaving American Citizens. The government uses global positioning system tracking cell phone technology to keep tabs on American citizens.  The government doesn’t admit to this nefarious purpose for GPS cell phone tracking.  In fact, many GPS phones advertise this feature as a desirable

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When the United States military opened their global positioning system for private use, it opened a Pandora’s box of surveillance activities on the world.  Even though the military application offers higher precision than the civilian version, there was finally a way for the ruling elite to track the masses, and soon most would be carrying

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Global Positioning System Watches Help the Government Keep Tabs on You. Global positioning system watches are the latest rave for anyone who runs, hikes, swims, or enjoys the outdoors.  They’ve come a long way in a short time.  Now they can track your exact speed, the distance you cover, your route, and lets not forget

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A Free iTunes Download Can Point Out the iTunes Addiction. The marketing strategy of Apple iTunes has been consistent since the program’s inception. The software itself is free, available as a free iTunes download online, and users browse the store, sampling 30 seconds of each of their desired audio tracks for free. Consumers don’t have

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Plans to Develop Genetically Modified Wheat Have Been Stunted by Public Resistance. From 2002 until 2004, bio-agriculture companies like Monsanto tried to launch projects to grow a genetically modified wheat called cultivar. The wheat that they were trying to grow was supposed to be resistant to an herbicide so that the crop would tolerate the

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Global Positioning Systems History is The History of Your Rights Dissolving Technological history, including global positioning systems history, usually begins in the military world. When the Soviet Union sent up the Sputnik satellite, a terrified United States ordered the Department of Defense to create the Information Processing Technology Office, to developed the transmission of data

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