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Blog Category: Science & Technology

A Global Positioning Watch Pinpoints Your Location at All Times. The Big Brother Police-State Has Wired Every Corner of Our Lives With Technology to Invade Privacy. Global positioning watch system technology is being used by the government of the United States to monitor the people of the country and all of their movements and destinations.

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Google Helps Big Brother Keep Track by Storing and Sharing Your Information With the Government and Thereby Violating Your Privacy. Google helps Big Brother keep track of your every online movement by using technology and terms of service agreements that allow them to turn over any information they want to at any time. Just like

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Government Wiretapping in the Form of the PATRIOT Act and FISA Act Violates Privacy Issues. Though wiretapping is illegal and unconstitutional government wiretapping is very prevalent today.  The Federal government and the state government of thirty-seven states have been authorized by legislation to wiretap phone conversations and personal emails of millions of Americans.  The Foreign

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High Accuracy Speech Recognition Has Paved the Way For a Future With Big Brother. The voice is distinct, and with high accuracy speech recognition, technology has been created that can discover what people are saying, and that can be coupled with technology that can easily detect individual human voices.  Every word that you say can

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How Global Positioning System Automotive GPS Signals the end of Privacy in your Car. The global positioning system automotive GPS is a prime example of a poison pill present from the U.S. Government to the citizens of the United States. The system that was developed by the Department of Defense, is controlled by the U.S.

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Google Latitude Uses a Global Positioning Map to Aid the Big Brother State. Google Latitude is a new global positioning map feature for Google Maps on mobile devices. It has been built to track people all over the world via their personal computers and cellular phones. Does this mean we’re set to compromise another level

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