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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Global Positioning System Fleet Management Programs Aren’t Just for Employers. Big businesses like to promote tracking software and devices.  Global positioning system fleet management technology is one more way in which employers can track employees, and ensure performance is optimal.  GPS fleet management systems allow employers to keep tabs on where a vehicle is located,

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The Handheld Speech Recognition Device Can be Used For Domestic Spying.  The handheld speech recognition device is the latest technology to make it to the public, and with it, one has to wonder why such a device needed to be made in the first place, as the device is used to infringe on privacy and

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Freedom From Censorship is Necessary for the Republic of the United States. A Society Without Free Speech is Imprisoned From Within; the First Amendment Must Survive. People want freedom from censorship, but at the same time they are afraid to go out and fight for it. They don’t want to break any laws or have

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Elite Use The Global Positioning System Car Devices to Track Citizens Every Move As a Step Towards The New World Order.  If you have been shopping for a car recently you will notice that the salesman has mentioned that just about every car you are interested in comes standard with a global positioning system car

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GPS Child Tracking Device is a Set-up to Make Parents Afraid and to Get Them to Erroneously Trust the Government. A GPS child tracking device is being sold to parents whose lives are busy with bills and house notes. The world we live in is very different from what it could be. Adults are so

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GPS Global Positioning System Satellites are in Position to Track Your Every Move. GPS Global Positioning System Satellites are in position around the entire globe to track your every move.  There are three major systems up and running or in final stages of development and they are located in the U.S., Germany, Rome and Russia. 

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