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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Global Positioning System Devices Have Been Introduced Into Consumer Products.  If you have been in an electronics store recently you have noticed that nearly every gadget can double as global positioning system devices.  The elite have made sure that no matter what it is that you want to do that there is a device out

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The Global Positioning System Automobile is Part of the Plan to Control You. The global positioning system automobile is the wave of the future.  Most new cars are equipped with GPS technology.  It makes it easy to navigate the city and to know exactly where you are.  The trouble is, it allows Big Brother to

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Genetically Modified Tobacco Creates a Magic Cigarette That is Harmless to Humans and Has Actual Health Benefits. Big Tobacco Corporations Wouldn’t Lie, Would They? The tobacco industry is working diligently to produce genetically modified tobacco (GMT). The tobacco industry has a well established history of concern for profit above their customer’ welfare. Is it possible

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Elite Use Your Global Positioning System Laptop to Spy On You.  Every time that you turn on your global positioning system laptop, you are inviting Big Brother to peer over your shoulder to see what you are up to.  Most every carrier these days has a card that you can hook up to your laptop

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Global Positioning Systems Technology Began in 1960.  Global Positioning Systems Technology got its start in 1960 when the US Navy tested the first satellite navigation system.  The system named, Transit used five satellites to fix upon a locations in an hour.  This advanced technology today employs satellites and gps systems everywhere and the location is

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GPS Controlled Guidance Allows the Government to Track Americans’ Movements. Although GPS Technology is Convenient, Its Practical Purpose is to Monitor Citizens. The banking mafia is using GPS controlled guidance systems. The global elite, or banking mafia as they are commonly known, use GPS technology to track American citizens in an effort to control individuals’

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