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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Global Positioning System Cars are the Governments Latest Method for Tracking Our Movements. Global positioning system cars are a relatively new, but since it had such great success it has become available in a lot more vehicles. GPS or global positioning is comprised of a group of 24 satellites that orbit the earth continuously providing

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Genetically Modified Animals Aren’t as Tasty as you Might Think. Genetically Modified Animals, argue Frankenstein like scientists, are as old as life itself. They point out that varieties of domestic dogs have been created through selective breeding for thousands of years. In many respects, they are absolutely right.  Selective breeding, chemicals, viruses and radiation have been

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Finger Print Biometrics and the Expanding Surveillance State. Finger print biometric identification is the oldest biometric technique used. It is the easiest to measure as the technology is relatively simple. Today a variety of other physiological, as well as behavioral traits are measured and analyzed to confirm an identity. Face recognition (based on angles and

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Using Fetch Art for iTunes, People Lose Their Own Creative Artist.  While you are searching for Fetch Art for iTunes, your mind and your well-being are being attacked by a banking mafia-lead agenda for a world power that begins with your mind. The world is being hit with a barrage of information, of sights and

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Finger Biometrics Pose a Serious Threat to Our Right to Privacy. Finger biometrics is the digitally-advanced method of taking fingerprints, which results in a digital recording of your fingerprint that is stored indefinitely in the database of the company or organization that requires biometric finger-scanning.  Because fingerprints are unique to every individual, fingerprinting was once

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The FISA and Obama Combination Will Continue With the Destruction of American Rights. Obama is Clearly in the Pocket of the Global Elite. His Brand of Change Enslaves Us. FISA and Obama need to be separated to preserve our constitutional rights. There is much to be said about a new president offering hope for change,

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