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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Government Conducted Email Surveillance, What is the Impact on Society and Privacy? It is common knowledge that technological innovation has made email surveillance as easy as eavesdropping on a telephone conversation. Back doors that have been built into telecommunication infrastructures allow for almost immediate real-time surveillance of emails and other forms of electronic communication that

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Revealing the Facts About Child Protective Services. There are certain facts about child protective services that parents need to know about and parents get caught up in the system because they don’t know this information.  The CPS is an agency that sets certain annual quota for children that they will snatch from their parents for

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Evolution And Human Behavior Are Manipulated. Evolutionary Psychology seeks to explain – and utilize – evolution and human behavior to affect the way we interact with each other, usually in order to learn how to better manipulate us into the desired responses. Millions, if not billions, of dollars have been spent by the elite to

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Using an Electronic Surveillance System Has Been a Way in Which the Elite Can Gather More Information.  The elite would like for you to believe, that the electronic surveillance system that they are using is there just to be able to protect you.  The idea has been that the world will be safer, if there

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Digital Video Surveillance Equipment can be Both a Boon and a Burden. Digital video surveillance equipment is getting a lot of attention lately in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks. Previously, people objected to the electronic eyes recording their moves; today it is not only accepted but preferred also. In today’s environment, an individual

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The Echelon System is Operated as Part of the US-UK Security Agreement. The Echelon system is operated as part of the US-UK Security Agreement. Five different states were a part of the agreement which created this system; they are Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United kingdom, and the United States or simply AUSCANZUKUS. The exact

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