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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Direct Energy Weapons: The World’s Elite Banking Cabal Funds this Dangerous Technology in its Attempts at One World Government. The elite cabal of bankers and industrialists who are set on bringing in the New World Order have a new toy to use on anyone or anything that gets in the way: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW)

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A Dish Network Satellite Descrambler Provides Entertaining and Distracting Programing for the Purpose of Delivering Disinformation and Propaganda. Your Dish Network satellite descrambler is an excellent example of elite and government control. Powerful government officials, directed by global elites, select programing designed to alter Americans’ perception. On September 12, 1939, the Council on Foreign Relations began

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The Drone Machines Mean the End of Privacy. What is the definition of privacy? Most authorities agree that it is “freedom from the attention of others”. So, with that in mind, we must ask why people cannot seem to shake the undiluted attention of their governments? The science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov said: “An advance

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Currency Controls Using the RFID Chip Are Just Another Way for the Global Elite to Monitor us and Track Our Spending for Control by the One World Government. The banking elite have been using currency controls to gain more power over the population as they march towards creating a New World Order. They would like

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Digital Video Surveillance Cameras are Easily Manipulated. Digital video surveillance cameras are not as safe as people may believe. If a person has enough training, practice or knowledge, that person can do just about anything with digital information. It is not difficult at all do manipulate digital photographs, with a few hours of practice, you

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What is State of Download Entertainment Music? Since the creation of Napster when music “piracy” became mainstream in the nineteen nineties, download entertainment music has been driving major corporation nuts as it allows one person who bought a CD to distribute the content of that CD to millions of people all over the internet and

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