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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Surveillance Vehicles Can Easily Spy on Citizens. The military’s new surveillance vehicles are to be a major element of the proposed, Future Combat Systems. These vehicles are intended to provide a lighter and more portable system of spy type crafts that report to a centralized network, consolidating all information. The new spy vehicles include manned

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A Video Surveillance Camera on Every Street Corner. A video surveillance camera can now be placed just about anywhere on any building or street corner. With the advancement of technology we are succumbed to a world where everything we do will be monitored and recorded. Finding a way to regulate and safely secure the data

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Surviving Big Brother Government is Possible. George Orwell’s 1984 is the story of a future society, where individualism has been eliminated, where propaganda (main stream media) is used to control the masses and where perpetual war (war on terror) is being waged to maintain the “peace”.  In 1984, false is true and wrong is right,

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Subcommittee Monitors Technology And Congress. The lobby for technology and Congress Subcommittees related to technology are among the most powerful in the developing technologically based world and its Chairmen include a Presidential Candidate, a former Chairman of Senate Republican, and one of the longest serving Representatives in Congress. The 2004 Democratic Nominee for President John

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Surveillance of Email and Rights of Privacy. Surveillance of email by the government, marketing industries, and other agencies have left everyone wide open for their most intimate conversations to be stored in central data banks.  A big part of the world’s information is talked about over the internet and within email communications.  All one needs

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Telephone Speech Recognition is Being Used By Government on Every American Citizen.  Telephone speech recognition is used by many government agencies but it is especially important to the NSA Right in the middle between Washington DC and Baltimore you’ll find NSA, it’s own hidden city, where some of the most top secret spying for the

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