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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Computers and Airport Security Are Invading Your Privacy. New wearable computers and airport security personnel trained to read them are being added at airport checkpoints, enabling quicker transfers of face recognition data to be sent to the security personnel, quickening the reaction time for them to track and apprehend suspects. The wearing of airport security

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Big Brother Takes Computer Surveillance Software a Little Too Far. How do you really feel about computer surveillance software? Do you even know how far the government has gone to violate your basic right of privacy and security? In the name of protecting your “rights” and your “security” and your ‘freedoms’ the government has reached

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Complete Surveillance Systems Have Become a Hotly Debated Topic Since the 9/11 Attacks, but the Loss of Our Privacy Right is Too High a Price for the Pretense of Safety. We hear a lot abou complete surveillance systems these days, especially since 9/11, It’s a way to keep closer tabs on terrorists and other criminal

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Cobra Global Positioning Can Track Your Every Move. The elite are subverting the FISA law of 1978, to keep tabs and control the movements of every citizen, through the use of devices used every day by the common citizen. Bush and his administration passed through congress the Patriot Act which made tracking American citizens even

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The Cobra Global Positioning System Gps100 Has More in Common With the Military Than You Know. The Cobra global positioning system gps100 is advertised as the perfect companion for citizens of the United States who want to know where they going. What the publicity does not say is that the same global positioning system used

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Ten Years Ago Columbine High School Shooting Surveillance was not a Deterrent to Violence. The Columbine High School shooting surveillance is not a case for school surveillance, but a case against it-yet the media spins it as a violent act that surveillance could have prevented. Neither children, nor teenagers want to hide when they are

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