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Blog Category: Science & Technology

The Big Brother System is Oppressive World Control. George Orwell Was Right on the Money With His Vision of a Totalitarian Regime Ruling Over a Docile Accepting Populace. The Big Brother system does not serve the people well. Have you ever considered what it means to have our beloved country, the United States of America,

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When Big Brother is Watching You, Most of the Time You Aren’t Aware You’re Being Watched. When Big Brother is watching you, it would be polite to get some kind of notice, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, most Americans go about their daily lives oblivious to the amount of surveillance they are being subjected to without their

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If You Are Talking, Big Brother is Listening. High-Tech Surveillance Equipment That is Designed to Keep us Safe is Being Used to Track and Control Us. Big Brother is listening. The term Big Brother originated as a character in the famous book 1984, written by George Orwell. Big Brother was head of the government in one

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Big Brother Information Teaches People About the New World Order. George Orwell Gave Us the Best Book for Spotting the Growth of Police-State Rule in America Today. Big Brother information may be among the most difficult to obtain in a country as free as America is supposed to be. We know “He” is there, and

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Big Brother Has His Eye on You With Every Step You Take. Big brother has his eye on you, and he is analyzing every step you take so it can be used against you if the government decides you are doing anything that causes a threat to their agenda. You cannot make a move without

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Today, Big Brother and Surveillance are Destroying our Independence and Social Structure. It may be a popular TV show but it doesn’t take away from the fact that we’re back in a time when the government needs to be feared. Today, Big Brother and surveillance have become an everyday part of life. Perhaps the only

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